
Přípojení na Internet z kolejí UJEP

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General Instructions

If you don't find your OS in left menu, try to find an alternative guide on the Internet 1).

Or simply use automatic setting app for eduroam site (it will set both, wifi at school and wired connection at dormitories) from cat.eduroam.org.

English version for windows 10 you can get also here.

Basic principles of search

Search for:

  • Protocol 802.1x
  • name of your OS

You can also use connection settings for the network eduroam, a pan-European project, these instructions are enough.

Adapting instruction

Most found guides will be for connecting to specific network, it is necessary to adapt them for KolejNet. Main difference will be in used certificate. Our radius authentication server uses a certificate, whose public part can be downloaded here.

Assistance from CI

If all attempts fail, ask for help CI professionals at kolej@rt.ujep.cz

1) For this you need computer fully connected to the Internet, at the dormitory you can use computers in classrooms (K3 5th floor, K1 3rd floor and K5 lobby) or computers of colleagues which have authentication already configured. At K1 3rd floor you can also use WIFI (kolejnet/kolejnet) with free access to www through proxy (proxy.ujep.cz:3128)