=====Credentials===== Important: ** Password for STAG and password for eduroam are two different passwords.**. [[ http://ci.ujep.cz/index.php/Info_idm_stu |Where to use which password]] . Eduroam password you set at Identity manager self-service. Detailed instructions [[en:navod_reset|here]] When you have successfully set eduroam password and correctly set your device you can try to connect to Eduroam wi-fi network. Do not forget: - Username for Eduroam is your personal student number (begins with st...) and password is that what you set in IdM self-service. - If you want to connect at another institution (which have Eduroam Wi-Fi) you must add to your username @ujep.cz, so your username will be st....@ujep.cz ((Attention this is not e-mail address, correct e-mail address of student looks like st12345@students.ujep.cz)) - Domain field must be empty. - If you forgot your Eduroam password, set new password at IdM self-service. Contact: sit@rt.ujep.cz or bring your device to IT department at MFC building, 2nd floor